Tuesday, April 27, 2010

it's really happening!

this cuppycake is going to italy! nathalie e-mailed me today with my flight info. i have been so excited lately- i spent the entire morning checking out blogs, sites, and forums about messina, learning italian, what it's like for americans in italy, being an au pair there, etc. i still cannot believe i will actually be going to such a beautiful place to live with such an amazing family. i'm very enthusiastic about keeping up with this blog because my incredible friend, amy, left today for tel aviv, and we will be keeping up with each other through our travel blogs. it is so crazy to think we will both be spending this time so far from home, and from each other.
and, most importantly, i would like to give a shout-out to the lovely ayana, without whom i would have never stumbled upon this magnificent opportunity.
i am still a bit too shocked to have much else to say... so, with that, i'll say goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. We're traveling together! separate....but together. Living in the middle east has been so crazy and exciting and new and i know that you will love it in Italy as well!
