Sunday, May 2, 2010

so. much. to. do.

these are going to be two of the most hectic weeks i've had in quite a while. there are so many things i need to do, and even more things that i'd like to do. i will be spending the next three months in a foreign country, so there are some very obvious preparations involved there (packing, packing, packing, spend time with friends/boyfriend/dad, packing, spend time with dad, find necessary items such as a power converter, try and learn a little of the language and culture of italy, packing, etc). but also, while i am gone, my dad is putting this house on the market. so i am trying to tidy up the place, as well organize and take inventory of my belongings that are remaining stateside... just in case.
and, on top of everything, my boyfriend will be moving back to california at about the same that i will be leaving for italia. which means that while i am there we will have a nine hour time difference between us. and also that when i leave there, there will be an indefinite (but definitely long) period of time before i get to see him again. it's terribly difficult to be totally unsure of the next time you will get to see the person you love. i would love to spend the entirety of these next two weeks with him, just hanging out, being us- but there is so. much. to. do.
despite all this however, i still cannot wait to be in messina. it's in the back of my mind all day. i've been ready for a new adventure for what seems like forever now. and, as you can see from my little countdown over in the sidebar, i don't have to wait much longer.
well, enough rambling for now.
buona notte (which is "goodnight" in italian- my phrase for the day) everyone.

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