Sunday, April 17, 2011

villa cianciafara

last saturday i had the pleasure of attending an event at villa cianciafara. the event was nothing spectacular or particularly exciting, but it did give me an excellent opportunity to explore the villa and get a taste of classic sicilian style.

there was a LOT of terra cotta- the entire main house was covered in it- which i was told is very representative of the sicilian style. these little benches are very typical in older architecture in the area, as well. i've found these in messina, cataniataormina, and stromboli and still every time i see one i think, "oh look at that cute little bench!" like it's something new.

lemons, ceramics, and a cinquecento- for me, there is nothing more quintessentially sicilian.

even though we're not very heavy into spring yet here, everything still seemed so lush and green. and these flowers had me totally captivated. they look beautiful, but really dangerous at the same time.


obviously, the family was of the higher class, they even had their own private cathedral on the grounds. when i stepped inside i had instant flashbacks to all the books i used to love to read about european nobility as a kid. and can you imagine riding into town at dusk in one of those little buggies, with the little lantern lit?

my absolute favorite site was all of the citrus trees everywhere. especially the lemons- they look like little lights strung up in the trees, and the smell is delicious. feel free to go through the rest of the pictures in my album, and let me know what your favorite part is in the comment section below!

for more of the villa, you can check out the full photo album here.
for pictures of my other adventures in sicily, check out my photo links page.

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