Friday, June 25, 2010

can you guess what's in this van?

here there are those vans like the ones floating around north charleston (yes, i know that they have those in places outside of north charleston, but that's most relevant to my home) that are used as mobile taco stands. i saw one while in the car one day and was instantly on alert because from the depths of my soul i am totally yearning for some hispanic food. i understood that the likelihood of that van being able to provide me with anything resembling a taco was nonexistent, but still i asked nathalie what kind of food they sold.
and guess what it is. just guess.
it's tripe.  yeah, you read that right- tripe. all tripe, all the time. YUCK. totally the opposite of a gratifying taco. and the stands are run by italians. so it's not even like "maybe they're hawking rubbery sauteed intestines, but these places serve as community hubs for a local minority group!" nope. just average joe (or should i say gionni?) selling tripe. blech.

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